It is estimated that 10,000 sheets of paper, equals 1 tree.
Between 2015-2020, 10 million hectares of trees were removed from forests around the world each year. While only 5 million hectares of trees were planted each year during the same period.
A tree must live for at least 10-20 years to have a meaningful effect on the environment.
Therefore even after planting trees it takes many, many years for the reforestation to be effective.
In line with the annual Earth Day on 22 April, to demonstrate support for environmental protection, we hope to inspire you to find ways to be more sustainable and to celebrate this amazing planet that we all call home.
Our Simitri Go Green campaign has been launched since before the pandemic; we have always stood for playing our part for our home planet and as part of our efforts to Go Green, we have gone paperless as a business and with our clients. Electronic records are better maintained and are less resource intensive; as for our workshops, we no longer issue physical materials and provide editable PDFs instead.
The business world is among the most significant emitters of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. However, businesses are also in a position to profit significantly from a sustainable transition and impact our home planet positively; most of our clients have taken the lead to be more environmentally conscious.
Since the start of Simitri Go Green, we have saved around 26 trees!
Simitri also offers work-from-home opportunities for employees, increasing quality of life and job satisfaction for the workforce while eliminating a significant source of carbon emissions.
At Simitri, we are proud to Go Green all year round in a bid to save the earth, not just support Earth Day once a year.
Simitri is developing a sustainability training model, which will be launched later in the year, watch this space.